We follow our customers in the realization of their project, starting from the choice of the products: professional or personal products with innovative and advanced raw materials.

Customization & innovation

The best products for the best results

Choose the packaging within a wide range of quality pack and branding: we can customize your cosmetic product with your logo. Lem company can supply any branded products from 300 pieces to thousands.

Lem priority is to maintain high quality level of the products, so we continuously research and analyze new innovative raw materials. Our experts select new advanced ingredients and study different formulations to obtain the best product for the best results. Meeting the need for innovation of our customers through the systematic study of new formulations and in the ongoing search for solutions that these products valences additional sensory not negligible as the pleasantness of the application.


For different needs and tastes

After choosing the product, the 2nd step is the packaging. We offer a wide range of quality packaging for our clients, to satisfy different needs and tastes. We provide primary packaging with different typologies of containers and closures – bottles, jars, pumps, airless, spray, dropper; different materials, shapes and colours.

Lem can personalize the finished product with your own brand, to create your own customized line. You can design your own brand or we can help you with our graphic support for creating a brand-new label. Our professional team of graphic designers can assist you in order to develop a new layout and design for creating customized labels and boxes. You can also choose the type of printing on the container among adhesive label, silk-screen printing or tampography.

Need Help

Headquarters and Production Site

T +39 0362 542628

Clean Room Site

T +39 0362 564702